One year for Earth Day, way back in elementary school, my class went out to the school yard and picked up trash. I don't remember what grade, or which teacher, but I know that something clicked inside me. A value was instilled in me. The tree hugger inside me was born.
The next year, Earth Day fell on a weekend. I didn't have a class to go outside with to pick up trash. So I took it upon my self to go pick up trash at the park across the street from my home. I got some gloves and a garbage bag, and off I went.
Trying to save the planet can be super overwhelming. As a kid, I thought it was all about picking up litter, recycling, and not using aerosol spray cans. As an adult, it's about every choice we make in our daily lives: what we buy, what we eat, what we reuse, what we wear, how we vote, how we drive. If you are wanting to be more "green" but feel like it's just way to much to deal with, just relax, breathe, and take it one step at a time. You don't need to go spend your life savings on solar panels and a hybrid car and putting up a windmill on your lawn.
This Earth Day, I challenge you to focus on one way you can make your lifestyle more earth-friendly. While you're at it, invite a friend or a child to participate with you. Talk about why it's important to take care of the Earth. Talk about what other "green" things you'd like to start doing in the future.
Here are some simple activities you can try out:
1. Pick up trash in your local park or neighborhood.
2. Learn about your city's recycling policies, and start using a recycling bin.
3. Stop drinking bottled water. Buy a filter for your faucet or fridge, and purchase a fun reusable bottle.
4. Switch out your incandescent light bulbs for CFLs.
5. Install a low-flow showerhead.
6. Build a compost bin, and start using it.
7. Build a vegetable garden.
8. Check your tire pressure on your car.
9. Install a programmable thermostat.
10. Watch "An Inconvenient Truth."
The most important thing is to share what you're doing with others! Please let us all know what you're doing this Earth Day in the comments too. Happy Earth Day!
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